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This was the debut year for the team. With only three months of preparation, the team competed with immense grace and astonished everyone in the stadium. Although the team secured 50th position out of 102 teams in ABU Robocon 2016, we won the title of ‘1st Runner-up Debut Team’. This was a great motivation for the team and a setting milestone in the series of achievements that were to be laid in the upcoming years. The competition not only made each team member technically sound but also enhanced some of the vital life skills like leadership, hard work, and self-belief which crafted them into skillful engineers. This years team consisted students of seventeen GTU affiliated college and from various branches that gave the versatility to the team. 

About Theme

Renewable sources of energy being the prime concern of the global organizations, Thailand, the hosting country on ABU Robocon 2016 took this topic as the theme of the competition. The theme for Robocon 2016 was 'Chai-Yo: Clean Energy Recharging the World'. Each team had to build two robots. One robot is an Eco Robot and the other is the Hybrid Robot. The Hybrid Robot has to drive the Eco Robot through any means of the non-conventional energy source like wind, magnetic, gravitational force, etc. as the Eco Robot has no actuator to drive itself. The Hybrid Robot drives the Eco Robot through different zones which include uphills, downhills, and river, and then reaches the windmill station. At the station, the Hybrid Robot takes the fan from the Eco Robot, climbs the pole and then places the fan on top of the pole. The team that succeeds in finishing the task early wins the game. This win is called ‘Chai-Yo’. In case either of the blue and red team could not finish the task, the one which scores high wins the game.

Team 2016

With zero experience, empty inventory and only three months left for the competition day, the team was full of passion, enthusiasm and determined to compete no matter how big the target was. They not only started from scrap, the team members also had to manage their academics which they did very well. The team was briefly divided into two sections - Electronic and Mechanical. The electronic students took care of the microcontroller programming, circuitry design and building robust circuitry that gave the robot its brain to efficiently perform the task. They learned some of the efficient open-source development products like Arduino by themselves. Similarly, the mechanical students focused on the body designing and manufacturing of the robot. They employed CAD for designing and labored themselves day-night to finish the robot on time.

© 2022 by GTU Robotics Club.

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